Jenelle Tennigkeit

Dream Alchemist


Birthplace: Boulder

College: Kansas State University

Previous Companies: JNS, 4240 Architecture

Industry Experience: 10 Years

Certifications and memberships: M.Arch, AIA

What Jenelle actually does: Draws some, thinks about it, erases things, and draws it again. Choreographs all of the pieces of each home. Design Ninja

Cities lived in: Louisville Colorado, Manhattan Kansas, Dessau Germany, Denver Colorado

Career highlights: AIA Notable in Denver - Ramble Hotel, Net Zero Mountain Living - Electric Pass Lodge.


Things you might not know about Jenelle…

Fun times: Travel, hike, snowshoe, bake.

What do you do in your spare time? Dream of tiny homes, walk the dog, go to barre class.

Travel memories of note: Got engaged on a winter adventure in Iceland, under the Northern Lights

Someday I plan to go to: Everest Base Camp

Unexpected fun fact: I knew I wanted to be an architect in elementary school.

Fave foods: Anything Italian

A really big accomplishment: Graduating first in my class from a top 10 architecture school.

Who knew? If I wasn’t an architect, I’d want to be an astronaut. I love space.

A quote you love: “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do.”

Why this industry? I want everyone to have a beautiful safe place to call home.

Favorite retailers: Lululemon - leggings are pants. Or Anthropology because it always smells so good.

Favorite sound: Snow or leaves crunching under my feet

Favorite place: The Bastei in Rathen Germany

Favorite TV show: Schitt’s Creek

Favorite smell: My Mom’s sugar cookies

Favorite Movie: Matilda

What’s your secret weapon in life? Does the microwave count as a secret weapon? I am a terrible cook. On a more serious note, my adaptability.


Kate Creamer


Josh Venckus